RRDANIEL2.ORG > my work (links)

My work as a teacher and as a scholar is  varied. I have pursued projects and taught courses that employ theories and knowledge from multiple disciplines. I have developed courses that require students to read and use texts in cultural studies, postcolongial studies, sociology, history and historiography, linguistics, ethics, cognitive science. I typically ask students to reflect on current events and contemporary intellectual developments (in science, education, public policy, medicine, environmental studies). I expect students to reflect critically on their own learning and on the world in which they live. I expect them to forge their own robust  intellectual frameworks for thinking about complex issues. In short, even as a "French teacher," I have demonstrated an interest in broad perspectives and an engagement with a range of disciplines.


Much of my current intellectual work and research lies in the realms of time studies, language pedagogy, applied learning theories, Anthropocene studies, and the development and assessment of instructional strategies. I also have an interest in theories and histories of leadership, governance, and collaboration in the academic context.


My early work focused largely on literature and intellectual history, particularly of mid-nineteenth-century France, most especially the July Monarchy period (1830-1848). The writers I have written the most about are Medieval poet François Villon and nineteenth-century writers Édouard Ourliac and Charles Baudelaire.


Links to different facets of my work and related interests and activities figure below.

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